Sunday, April 3, 2011

YouTube Video!

I downloaded a youtube video from KHANACADEMY, a resource website that was given to me at a technology training seminar. I found a video on Current Economics, Economics of a Cupcake Factory. This youtube video relates to my Intro to Business classroom instruction.

In order to download and view this youtube video, I had to jump through several hurtles! I first found the video I wanted to save and view, I next clicked on the download link below the video. I tried to play the video in Windows Media Player and it gave me a screeching noise! Next I Googled "How to download and play an FLV video file. It gave me a download website that gave me another website and finally, I downloaded the Flash Video Player. After this process, when I downloaded the video a second time, it popped up with an option to play the video in the PlayItAll media player, that is now saved on my computer!  I then clicked on the "insert a video" on the toolbar above my blog to insert my youtube video into this blog post. 

The YouTube Video assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS Standard 5c:  Engaging in professional growth and leadership to evaluate and reflect on current research to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools.  Youtube is an excellent source to use to get students involved and show them real-life examples of what they are learning in the classroom.  It is the job of the educator to go out and look for these types of tools to use in their classrooms.  It is a never ending cycle of research when you are involved in the teaching profession!

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