The Blog Poll Gadget was simple and to the point. It took me about 5 minutes to complete, the hardest part was thinking of something that I really wanted to get answers to. I added a poll to my blog that states "Student cell phones can be put to good use in some instructional situations". I have positives and negatives about cell phone use for instruction! I teach DCT (Co-op) part of the day, so I have only seniors in these classes. I decided to test the theory of texting them information that they needed right away, without having to make announcements, etc. It is really working to my advantage! I had previously asked them to check their e-mail regularly...well we are all in the education field, so we all know how often they were checking their e-mail, not like I wanted them to. So I decided to set up groups on my blackberry. I have a group that is DCT I--cell numbers and DCT I--email addresses. I shoot the kids a text when I need to give them a brief message, example "Class tomorrow, bring your forms signed for me!" They respond in seconds! I send them an e-mail and they come to class not having any information I needed them to have. Now I shoot them a text that says "Check your email, important info!" They check it! I have to say that cell phones can be a major problem in the school system, but if you have the right students and use them in the right situations, I feel they can really benefit some teachers!
The Blog Poll Gadget assignment relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 3a and 3d because of the demonstration of fluency in the technology systems, as well as, modeling and facilitating effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.
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