Friday, April 29, 2011

End of Course Survey / Final 2 Surveys

I just wanted to say that I have taken the End of Course Survey and the Final two Surveys on the assignment list. This class has been very overwhelming at times, and it was a lot of work! Aside from those being the only downfalls of this course, I have really enjoyed learning about and using all the new and exciting technology tools offered in the assignments of this course. I have used several of the new tools in my classrooms just after learning about them! This class has to be the most useful college course I have taken. I am very glad it is offered! Good luck to anyone who decides to take is a workload, but it is worth it in the end!

As for the two final surveys....I was definitely able to say that I could teach many of the tools and skills learned in this class, and I have!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tiny cc / Bitly

For this assignment, I chose to use the "tiny" URL Shortening Service to shorten a URL for my photo page on The process of using the URL Shortening Service was just copying the very long URL and pasting it into the "tiny" URL creator box. The URL creator worked it's magic and came up with a much shorter version of my initial URL address. This type of tool is great for sending links to friends and family, without them being a mile long!

The original URL:

The "tiny" URL:

This assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS Standards for teachers, #5 Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership; this assignment allows teachers to demonstrate the effective use of digital tools and resources.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Photostory 1: PSA

Public Service Announcement: Get Educated~STOP CYBER-BULLYING

The Photostory PSA allowed me to (1) use a technology tool that had only been used once in the past (2) to become educated on cyber-bullying, a very serious matter that happens every minute of every day among kids and teens, and (3) discover new ways to save a video file in order to upload it to a youtube video. My Photostory PSA defines cyber-bullying, describes ways in which kids, students, teens, and parents can prevent and deal with cyber-bullying, informs others of the legal issues involved with the school systems and cyber-bullying, and discusses ways in which the school systems can get involved to help prevent and stop cyber-bullying.

Check out my Photostory (Youtube) Video Below!

The Photostory PSA closely relates to the ISTE.NETS Standards: 3 and 4

As an educator, it is important to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility by understanding local and global societal issues and model digital age work and learning...

an educator must: advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.

an educator must: promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.

an educator must: communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.

an educator must: model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.

File Converter

For the File Converter assignment, I used the provided YouTube Bender Converter website to change a 2010 PBHSC Band show from a YouTube URL to an MP3 Audio file. Once the Download was complete, I saved the file to my Windows Media Player. This program was super easy to use...3 steps and tada! I thought this assignment was simple but useful!

The File Converter assignment relates closely to the ISTE.NETS Standards 2c., teachers designing and developing digital-age learning experiences and customizing and personalizing learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources, and 3a., modeling digial-age work and learning and demonstrating fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.

Jing Video Screencapture #2

Apparently I am an over-achiever! HaHa NOT! Seriously though, I completed the Jing Screencast assignment back in February and I was only supposed to complete the Jing Image, I think! That is what I gathered from the Discussion Board anyway. I did previously blog about the Jing Screencast assignment in February, so I am going to re-use that information, no need to re-invent the wheel if it's not necessary!

The Jing Screencast was pretty cool and could be used as a very fun technology assignment in the classroom.  I made a video explaining the concept of "readability statistics--Flesch Kincaid, which is a concept previously taught in this course.  The Jing Screencast is a fun way to get students involved in recalling information previously learned.  For example:  My DCT students could use the Jing Screencast to make a video on the correct way to sign onto the Wiki, find the week's assignment, and upload the completed assignment.  It is an excellent source of technology to use in the classroom!

The Jing Screencast assignment relates closely with the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 2c because it is using technology to teach something that was previously learned, but that possibly needs reinforcement.  Standard 2c talks about customizing and personalizing learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.

YouTube Video!

I downloaded a youtube video from KHANACADEMY, a resource website that was given to me at a technology training seminar. I found a video on Current Economics, Economics of a Cupcake Factory. This youtube video relates to my Intro to Business classroom instruction.

In order to download and view this youtube video, I had to jump through several hurtles! I first found the video I wanted to save and view, I next clicked on the download link below the video. I tried to play the video in Windows Media Player and it gave me a screeching noise! Next I Googled "How to download and play an FLV video file. It gave me a download website that gave me another website and finally, I downloaded the Flash Video Player. After this process, when I downloaded the video a second time, it popped up with an option to play the video in the PlayItAll media player, that is now saved on my computer!  I then clicked on the "insert a video" on the toolbar above my blog to insert my youtube video into this blog post. 

The YouTube Video assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS Standard 5c:  Engaging in professional growth and leadership to evaluate and reflect on current research to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools.  Youtube is an excellent source to use to get students involved and show them real-life examples of what they are learning in the classroom.  It is the job of the educator to go out and look for these types of tools to use in their classrooms.  It is a never ending cycle of research when you are involved in the teaching profession!

Voice Thread...

Voice Thread is a cool site to share conversations between anyone, anywhere. Voice Thread is a great technology tool to use as an activity in the classroom, collaboration with peers or colleagues, or communication with parents or students who may be learning from home. Voice Thread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to comment on the slide show. Comments can be left in several different ways using Voice Thread: using voice with a microphone or telephone, text, audio file, or video using a webcam.

This was my first experience with using Voice Thread, and I found it to be very fascinating, especially since I did not have to download a THING! It is very simple to use and is an excellent tool to try out in the classroom!

The Voice Thread assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS Standards 1 and 2, to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity and to evaluate authentic learning experiences. This assignment is the mimic of inspiring creativity in students. It also engages in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments. The Voice Thread assignment also designs a learning experience that incorporates digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

Podcast...#1 and #2


The script I created for my Podcast assignment relates to my DCT I course I currently teach. The lesson was developed to meet CSO DCT 1.7.1, prepare a resume using basic business format. The objective for the students is to create a resume using MS Word that will complete a job application to it's entirety. I used each of the resources available to me through the assignment directions, such as downloading Audacity to begin recording the Podcast. I reviewed the rubric to be sure I had the correct information to give me the highest score available, a 4! To reach a score of 4, I followed the examples and podcast requirements. I (1) uploaded my script to Google Docs and then (2) exported my podcast as an .mp3 file to, where it can be stored and accessed through a public URL. Now my assignment should be complete! View my Podcast now!


This Podcast assignment could easily be integrated into my DCT classroom. DCT students work in a somewhat self-paced environment. This Podcast assignment is an excellent tool for them to pull-up as an additional resource to guide them in the creation of their resumes. These are seniors (12th grade), so it is important for them to understand how to work independently on assignments and use resources to assist them with their assignments. Our class has a Wiki,, in which each of the class assignments and their due dates for our class are located. This is an excellent place to store a podcast as a resource for the resume assignment.

The Podcast assignment relates to ISTE.NETS Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5! I feel that each of the ISTE.NETS Teachers Standards are addressed in some way or another in this Podcast assignment. As teachers, we are using our knowledge of technology to facilitate experiences in virtual environments, we are supporting and modeling creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness, and engaging in learning with students in virtual environments (standard 1 a and d). This lesson allows us to design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments by incorporating digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity (standard 2a). As an educator, I am modeling digital-age work and learning by communicating relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats (standard 3c). This assignment promotes and models digital citizenship and responsibility by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools (standard 4d). Standard 5 relates to this assignment because professional growth and leadership is an important part of being an educator and this podcast allows us as educators to grow into new technology and lead our students into new technology as well! This podcast allows us to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning (standard 5c).

Jeopardy Review!

This was one of the less complex assignments of this course! It took me a little time to come up with a topic, but I finally decided on a topic that has been used, and is reinforced regularly in my DCT and Intro to Business courses. Career Planning and Development is an important topic for high school level students to know about and discuss regularly.

You can now play a jeopardy game of Career Planning and Development!

The Jeopardy Review assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS for Teachers Standards:
#2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Prezi - Zooming Presentations

I have to say that I have worked on and revisited this assignment numerous times! I still cannot figure it out! I have read the discussion posts, talked to classmates, and talked to co-workers...not sure what I am doing! I did get my previously made PPT Presentation to download, but I cannot figure out where to go from there. So...not sure when and if you will see this assignment!

This is all I have so far...suggestions would be great! PREZI

The Prezi-Zooming Presentations assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS teachers standards...
#2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

Friday, March 25, 2011

PowerPoint Presentation

WOW.  I worked on this presentation ALL day, on and off!  It was fun, but time consuming to think of what I wanted to say, and how to describe my information in a creative way.  I created a 27 slide PowerPoint Presentation on the DCT~Diversified Cooperative Training program that I teach in the Business Education department at PBHSC.  DCT is a great program for teaching students on-the-job skills, as well as, how to create and complete letters of application, resumes, letters of resignation, job applications, and many other beneficial documents.  DCT also teaches students job characteristics, budgets, and how to obtain employment.

Hope you all enjoy my presentation!  You can now view it at slideshare...or you can view it below!

The PowerPoint Presentation assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS Standards:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity ~b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments ~ c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Action Research Report: Preparing Print Documents

My APA Paper is finally finished! Wow, those AR assignments kicked my butt! The action research report was something that I had just completed in a class last semester, so I had the format saved and ready to go!  Using the correct format is important when writing an AR paper.  It is important that you have a running header on each page, page numbers, a title page, abstract page, findings page, and references.  As for the page numbers on each page, I fought with that in my last class and never could figure out how to get pages 3, 4, and so on, to be those numbers!  Everything after page 1 on my report is page 2!

The action research report, Preparing Print Documents, consisted of  mainly summarizing the findings from the AR Spreadsheet assignment, as well as, responses to the AR questions on the Spreadsheet 3 assignment.  It allowed me to research further what the differences were in gender and classification percentages, and the average pretest and post test scores due to those percentages, if at all.  The report allowed me to use the copy and paste functions within MS Word and Excel to view charts and graphs within the AR Report.  Following the format of an APA Paper, the visual aids or charts/graphs required a specific "Figure 1, 2, 3, etc." and detailed caption below the chart or graph. 

The AR Report followed closely with the ISTE.NETS Standard 5: 
~Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership: 
5c.  Educators evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice:  This is important in the field of education because teachers need to be up-to-date on current issues and technology, therefore supporting student learning.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Personality: #2

The results of my personality test scored me as being more of a "Guardian" than "Idealist". In my previous post, I guessed that my personality reflected more of the "idealist personality". I was not far off from my educated guess because I had chosen the "guardian personality" to be the second closest to my own personality. The knowledge of my personality type would assist me in leading a class of students, a group of teachers, or a cadre of principles because I have the personality to do a job that needs to be done. Such as teaching a class full of students, I know they need to learn the information that I have, and I make sure that it happens for them! I LOVE the fact that the "guardian personality" talks about believing in law and order and the fact that a sense of right and wrong is being lost. That fits my personality very well! I used the Jing tool to capture some of the characteristics of the Guardian Personality...just click on the picture to read it in full view!

The "Personality Assignment" reflects the ISTE.NETS STANDARD:

2b. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments:
develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.

Personality: #1

I have never experienced a personality test, the "personality test" for this assignment will be my first. An educated guess about which personality type fits me best, in order of most like me to least like me, would have to be:

1. Idealist
2. Guardian
3. Artisan
4. Rational

I feel that the "idealist" personality fits me pretty well. As an educator, I love to help others and do what I can to get them to achieve their goals. I am enthusiastic and trust my intuition, as well as, loving and giving. I am a nurturing and wonderful parent, and I hope that I am an inspirational leader to some! The "guardian" personality also fits me pretty well. I am a very dependable, helpful, and hard working person. I take pride in being a responsible parent and teacher. I also feel that traditions are important in my family life and working/social life. The "artisan" personality had a few traits that described me, but was not a personality that I would say "fits" me. I feel that I am fun loving, realistic, bold, and playful, as well as, a creative parent. The "rational" personality also had a couple of traits that fit me, such as being strong willed and yearning for achievement.

Spreadsheet 3: AR Spreadsheet

You can all now view my AR Spreadsheet in Google Docs! It has taken me quite a while to complete this assignment! I was very confused and finally asked a collaborative teacher I work with to give me some assistance with creating functions. I did complete the assignment in MS Excel, and I feel that it is better late than never! I did learn so many new things from completing this assignment. I learned how to create and use new functions that I had not previously known about or ever used, that I can remember!

After uploading the assignment to Google Docs, I noticed that the "averageif" formula does not transfer to Google, as well as, the charts and graphs I spent so much time completing! So, I uploaded my document and I am going to show some clips of my results in this blog post so that everyone can see that I did work hard to complete/use the functions and charts/graphs!

Research Questions:
1. I did not see where gender (male/female) scores impacted initial grade averages. The averages were very close for the pretest and post test scores. They were only a few points off from one another.

2. Classification (traditional/non traditional) impacted initial grade averages just a bit. The traditional pretest scores were somewhat higher than the non traditional (14 points), but the post test scores were only 3 points apart for each of the classifications.

3. The action research intervention did improve student learning. The post test scores were significantly higher than the pretest scores, for the gender and classification groups. The scores jumped 50 points or more for each of the groups.

I created six charts/graphs to go along with the AR Spreadsheet. Each of the charts relates to a specific criteria. The first 2 charts/graphs I completed were for the differences between gender distribution and class distribution. I had a hard time completing the charts/graphs until the first one was finished. Once I figured out how to get all the information I needed into the chart/graph, it was a breeze! The second 2 charts/graphs I created were the differences between the male/female pretest and post test scores, as well as, the differences between the traditional/non traditional pretest and post test scores. I tried to use a variety of charts/graphs to complete the assignment. The last 2 charts I completed were the gain/loss or difference between the pretest and post test scores for every student.

I did find that you can copy and past formulas and/or functions and you can use the little black handle at the bottom of the cell once you have completed a formula/function to carry it on to the next cell, eliminating you having to put the formula/function 213 times!

The Spreadsheet 3: AR Spreadsheet assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning because as educator's we are modeling and using current and emerging digital tools to better our technological abilities. By learning how to efficiently work through MS Excel, I will have the knowledge to pass these skills on to my students and co-workers.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Spreadsheet 2: Grades 2

For the Grades 2 Assignment, I used the Excel Spreadsheet to understand and use the numerous function tools available in MS Excel. I created final grades using functions that involved the specific assignments, tests, and projects, as well as, the specific weight or amount each item was worth, such as assignments, 25% of the grade, project, 25% of the grade, and tests, 50% of the student's grade. I then had to develop a formula to calculate the student percentages. I once again used the cell handle to drag and copy the formula from student 1 to the remaining students in the class. After the percentages for each student were calculated, I used the IF function to calculate letter grades to match the percentages. The assignment also required that I learn to use the average, max, min, and range functions to calculate each of these areas. The letter grades were then counted and placed beside the corresponding grade, such as 3 A's. The last part of the assignment allowed me to use the formatting, or fun part of Excel to add color to the background of the worksheet, as well as, border each of the cell's located in the worksheet.

I uploaded my final copy of the Grades 2 Excel Worksheet into my Google Docs. Check it out!

The Spreadsheet 2: Grades 2 Assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARDS:

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

Spreadsheet 1: Grades 1--Do the Numbers

For the Grades 1--Do the Numbers assignment, I used the Excel spreadsheet provided on the assignment page to average student grades, as well as, create a new page with term averages for each student. This assignment allowed me to use the average function (multiple ways), the handle tool (to copy the function from cell to cell), the copy and paste tool, and creating and naming new sheets.

I published my Excel Spreadsheet as a web document within my Google Docs.

The "Grades 1-Do the Numbers assignment relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 3d because of the ability to model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.

Google Forms

You can now take my Cell Phone Survey!

View the web published spreadsheet now!

I used the Google Edit Forms Page to create my cell phone survey.

The Google Forms assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 5a because it is modeling continuous improvement of demonstration of effective use of digital tools and resources to participate in local and global learning communities to explore create applications of technology to improve student learning.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Check out my Zoomerang Survey ...or you can complete the same survey below!

The Zoomerang site was really cool because you can make up survey's or polls about anything you need information on. I think this technology tool would be excellent for the senior projects at our high school. Many of the seniors need students to complete surveys for the project part and this would be a great way to "kill 2 birds with one stone", incorporate technology in the classroom, as well as, helping seniors with their projects!

The Zoomerang assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARDS 1c and 2b. This assignment promotes student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes (1c), as well as, developing technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress (2b).

Blog Poll Gadget

The Blog Poll Gadget was simple and to the point.  It took me about 5 minutes to complete, the hardest part was thinking of something that I really wanted to get answers to.  I added a poll to my blog that states "Student cell phones can be put to good use in some instructional situations".  I have positives and negatives about cell phone use for instruction!  I teach DCT (Co-op) part of the day, so I have only seniors in these classes.  I decided to test the theory of texting them information that they needed right away, without having to make announcements, etc.  It is really working to my advantage!  I had previously asked them to check their e-mail regularly...well we are all in the education field, so we all know how often they were checking their e-mail, not like I wanted them to.  So I decided to set up groups on my blackberry.  I have a group that is DCT I--cell numbers and DCT I--email addresses.  I shoot the kids a text when I need to give them a brief message, example "Class tomorrow, bring your forms signed for me!"  They respond in seconds!  I send them an e-mail and they come to class not having any information I needed them to have.  Now I shoot them a text that says "Check your email, important info!"  They check it!  I have to say that cell phones can be a major problem in the school system, but if you have the right students and use them in the right situations, I feel they can really benefit some teachers!

The Blog Poll Gadget assignment relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 3a and 3d because of the demonstration of fluency in the technology systems, as well as, modeling and facilitating effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jing Screencast

Everyone can now view my Jing Screencast!  The Jing Screencast was pretty cool and could be used as a very fun technology assignment in the classroom.  I made a video explaining the concept of "readability statistics--Flesch Kincaid, which is a concept previously taught in this course.  The Jing Screencast is a fun way to get students involved in recalling information previously learned.  For example:  My DCT students could use the Jing Screencast to make a video on the correct way to sign onto the Wiki, find the week's assignment, and upload the completed assignment.  It is an excellent source of technology to use in the classroom!

The Jing Screencast assignment relates closely with the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 2c because it is using technology to teach something that was previously learned, but that possibly needs reinforcement.  Standard 2c talks about customizing and personalizing learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.

Online Graphing Tools

For the online graphing tools assignment, we were asked to use several resources to create 2 graphs, one comparing 4th grade reading scores of WV to the national average, and another comparing 8th grade math scores of WV to the national average. The resources I used to create these 2 graphs were: Kid's Zone and National Assessment of Educational Progress. Below are the graphs I created using these resources! Click on the pictures below to view a larger image of each of my graphs...

The 4th grade NAEP reading scores were actually higher in 2002 for WV than the national average. In 2003, WV continued to rise above the national average, but not by much. In 2005, 2007, and 2009, WV showed a decrease in 4th grade reading scores, compared to the national average.

The 8th grade NAEP math scores were below the national average in the years 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009. In 2000, the scores were very close to be equal, WV at 223 and the national average at 224. The years 2003, 2005, and 2007 were also close scores, but in 2009 the scores showed more of a decrease in math scores.

The "Online Graphing Tools" assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 5c: This assignment asked us to evaluate and reflect on current research and use professional practice to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources to support student learning.

Word Cloud

I thought this "Wordle" assignment was pretty neat!  I created the wordle using terminology associated with my DCT Program.  I think this assignment would be fun and interesting for my DCT students.  I could use this as an assignment for them to express all the good and bad experiences with their jobs (school appropriate words of course!), as well as, words (just as I used) to describe everything they are doing and learning in DCT class.  This type of technology assignment would also be very beneficial to my special education students in math and english classes.  It is a way for students with special needs who cannot put their words into sentences, but can still get information across about what they are learning in class.  I love it!  I will definitely be using this with my students with special needs!

The "Wordle" closely relates with the ISTE.NETS STANDARDS 2c and 3c because it's creating a customized and personalized learning activity to address students' diverse learning styles and ability to use digital tools and resources, as well as, communicating relevant information and ideas effectively to students using a variety of digital-age media and formats. 

Batchgeo Part 2 Map Creation

View EDUC 6305 Instructional Technology Student Map in a full screen map

This assignment was very interesting!  I love that I can pull up a map and see where each of my FSU classmates are from. The created student map show how diverse FSU's student programs are, drawing the attention of student's all over WV and beyond!   It seems as though it is easier to contact classmates, friends, and family through technology rather than the traditional telephone.  This assignment makes me a 21st Century teacher because I am researching , creating and learning new "free" technology to share with my co-workers and incorporate in my classroom.  This is an assignment that I could use with my DCT students to show where each of them are working.  Every educator knows how important "free" technology is, it is not like money is thrown our way to use for our classrooms!  This course has shown me the unlimited amount of technology resources that can be shared with our co-workers and students!  I was telling my CTE Director about the Jing assignment.  She was so impressed and said  "That sounds like a Tech Tuesday presentation"!  Educator's are very interested in these types of resources, but we are lucky enough to actually use them!  

This assignment closely relates with the ISTE.NETS STANDARDS 1-5 because it has a little piece of each standard!  It promotes, supports, and models creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness (S1).  The map creation designs or adapts relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote learning and creativity (S2).  This assignment also allows us to collaborate with students, peers, and parents using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation, as well as communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats (S3).  The Batchgeo Map creation allowed us to develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools (S4), as well as, participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning (S5)!

Jing Image

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment! It was very interesting, easy, and creative. I think this is an awesome way to teach students. Taking this image and blowing it up for students is a great visual aid to assist them with navigating new or unfamiliar technology. I love the fact that you can diagram and seek out the specifics of what you are wanting the students to learn. It was fun working with the different tools that are offered and I love the fact that it is possible to make it visually appealing for students.

The Jing Image assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 2 because it is designs and develops digital-age learning experiences.  As a teacher, I developed, designed, and could evaluate authentic learning experiences by incorporating contemporary tools and resources that maximize content learning in context. 

Lacey's picasso by Lacey Daugherty

Lacey's picasso by Lacey Daugherty: "Picassohead"

The "Picassohead" assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 2a because I designed and adapted relevant learning experiences that incorporated digital tools and resources that would definitely promote student learning and creativity.  This is an "original" creation and allows educators to see the creativeness in each and every person!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Self Portrait

The self portrait, picasso head, was an interesting and fun assignment once I figured out what I was doing! At first I was unsure as to what those crazy shapes were going to create! I started over twice, and finally I started getting the hang of the different options available to create the picasso head. I think I picked every feature to see what my head would look like. Once I was happy with what type of head I created, I was stumped on how to get it into my blog! I created the picasso head a few days ago, before it was due, but then I could not figure out how to get it into the blog post. So today I started playing around with it and clicked "share" under my picasso head and "shared" it with Google Blogger. It automatically sent and placed a link in a new blog post. That would be why I have the "picasso head assignment description" in this post and not the post after this! I had previously created this blog post for the picasso head. So anyway, once I completed the snipping tool assignment, I figured out how to use the snipping tool to snip the picasso head image and place it directly into the blog post! Amazing what happens when you follow directions and do things in the order that they are set to do! Guess I will learn one day!

Snipping Tool

This is an image from my PB Works Wiki Page that was captured using the snipping tool. I found the snipping tool by following the directions given to us under this assignment. I chose to capture this particular image because it can be used to reinforce/teach my DCT students the correct way to use the Wiki for class assignments. This specific capture shows the "create a page", "upload files", and "navigator link". The students use these three items at one point or another when they complete their assignments. It is an excellent way to teach these links, as well as, show them how to capture the highlights of what I am teaching by using the snipping tool!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google Profile

The blogs I picked to follow using Google Reader were:

Teaching with Thinking and Technology
: After reading through this particular blog, I realized that it is a wiki and it gives loads of information on wiki's. I found this blog to be interesting because I use a wiki for my DCT class and this can give me tips and new practices to use in my classroom and on my wiki. This wiki gives links to new technology resources, including examples of how to incorporate them into your very own classroom!

eLearning Technology: This blog features great resources for eLearning, as well as examples. It talks about new technologies that are much more important for eLearning than what people think, such as Ipods, Ipads, Twitter, and Wikis. The blog features links to resources that involve eLearning taking place!

The Google Profile assignment closely relates with the ISTE.NETS STANDARDS 4 and 5 because this assignment is providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources (S4b), promoting responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information (S4c), and developing and modeling global awareness by engaging with colleagues of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools (S4d).  The Google Reader part of the assignment relates to (S5a) participating in local and global learning communities to explore creative application of technology to improve student learning, as well as, demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, developing the leadership and technology skills of others (S5b). 

Check out my Google Profile!

You can now view my shared items at my Google Reader

Diigo--Web Browsers Reflection

A browser add on is a tool that can be added to your browser to offer levels of convenience to your technology use. An example of a browser add on is the Diigolet, or Diigo. This tool is useful because it gives the handiness of just the click of your mouse and you are where you need to be, the Diigo Library page! Personally, I have never used a web browser add on and I honestly did not know what one was until I started this assignment! I am pretty sufficient with technology, but not to this level of depth. I am very excited that I am learning so many new things with this course! The only web browser add on I am using at this time is the Diigo, which was required to add through this assignment. I felt that the web browser add on installation was a very smooth and simple process.

This assignment closely matches the ISTE/NETS Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning; teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes in a digital society. Under this standard, teachers transfer current knowledge to new technologies and situations; collaborate with peers and community members digital tools and resources; and model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate and use information resources to support research and learning. I feel that the information listed under this standard fits this assignment perfectly!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Educational Philosophy / Voki

You can now view my Educational Philosophy in Google Docs.

The Educational Philosophy / Voki assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 5 because this assignment allowed me to engage in professional growth and leadership, as well as, evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice to make effective use of emerging and digital tools and resources in support of student learning.  This assignment allowed me to think about why I am teaching and if I am practicing the most current teaching methods available to me!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Locus of Control

My score on the Locus of Control Survey was a 9~External Locus of Control.  I have not had much experience with self-diagnostic tests, I may have previously taken one, but I found this particular test to be repetitive and tricky!  I have to say that I do not agree with the results of this survey.  I do not feel as though I have ever been a "victim" or that I have "learned helplessness"!  I found the political questions to be my "problematic" questions.  I guess that is why my score was lower, I feel as though politicians are going to do what they want, no matter what "the little people (me)" care.  My survey reflected this type of attitude, so that could have lowered my score, making me seem as though I am helpless!

The Locus of Control Survey closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 2 because it allows us to design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS STANDARDS.

Web Published Resume


The Web Published Resume assignment closely relates to the ISTE.NETS STANDARD 5 because it allows us to engage in professional growth and leadership by continuously improving professional practice by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resource.  By completing this assignment, we were able to evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning (S5c).  


Hello Everyone!  I am Lacey and I am a special education / co-op teacher at PBHSC, in Philippi, WV.  This is my 3rd year teaching special education and my first year teaching co-op.  I am certified to teach Business Education, but very close to finishing my master's degree in Special Education.  I feel that I am pretty tech savvy, but we will see as this course progresses!